Have you ever tried these before, Weetabix? I bought them on a whim from the organic cereal section - I like whole grain cereals for breakfast, obnoxiously whole grain. Turns out Weetabix is a popular British cereal, eaten in many different ways - fried (ugh, although, I haven't tried it), toasted with jam, as a hot porridge, even as baby cereal. Apparently quite versatile, these Weetabix. And delicious, I just ate them with cold milk and fruit. They get soggy quickly, which might put off some, but to me was a huge plus. Comforting and tasty. I'm on a comfort food roll here, as

you can tell, what with two soup recipes yesterday and raving soggy cereal today. Sigh. I can't tell if I feel better today - I'm just really, really tired at this point - but my goal will be to slip into the store and come up with something interesting for tonight.
My cheer-up tulips from Suz are stunning this morning, all opened up and so springy looking! Perhaps they'll inspire me to unpack from the weekend and start the process of re-entering the world of the living.

Oh! I just got word, from my friend Chris, that my beloved former boss, the great Jim Toscano, is retiring from Park Nicollet Institute. I worked for 12 happy years for Jim, my whole adult life up to the point that I resigned (a few years ago). In typical Jim fashion, he's retiring to start another job, as president of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation! How fabulous. But what a loss for Park Nicollet, where Jim has been a leader of and mentor to all types, from clerks to physicians, for more than 25 years. A gifted leader, fundraiser - and epicurean! Woo hoo for JVT! And for his awesome family. Jim is
the best of leaders and I'm jealous of his lucky soon-to-be employees. They have no idea what they're about to learn. Lucky, indeed.
With a raging fever (it keeps shooting up in the afternoon, shit!), I prepared
Papardelle with Tuna Sauce for dinner. Impressive, huh? How many of you, or your spouses, cook for you with a fever? That's what I thought - not many. That's how much I love my family (that's not quite fair; half of it is that I am BORED to death, doing nothing all day, so cooking a dinner that I can't taste is sort of a pleasure. Or something.) Tasted good, I think. Some nice Pinot Noir (I'm sorry, I'm too wiped to get up and see what Pinot I'm drinking, but I'm sure it's something we have a few bottles of and therefore it will come back up again) to accompany. As tired as you are of hearing about me being sick, that's how tired I am of being sick. I'll leave it there, it's a bore. And I'll shut up, and go to bed, and give 'er another hope - that you, or I, are not sick tomorrow, anymore. UGH!
I saw those Wheatabix things (or however you spell it!) and wondered if that was what you and your roommate used to yell out during your drinking games (forgot to mention that!)--but it must have been something else or I'm sure that little tidbit would have been mentioned?! :-)
"WHEATINA!!!!" Suz, you definitely need to sit down with us and play that game, perhaps this summer?
OMG, Steph! Hello my friend! So funny - I was going to type that same answer to Suz, thinking about you and how I was going to get you to read this - and there you are!!! We still think alike, no surprise! I get to make a Wheatina! I get to make a Wheatina!
Steph #2, I'd love to, but I'd have to drink O'Douls (yuck!) to keep up with you guys since I am such a bloody lightweight. (just ask Steph #1) But I'd be willing to do it for the experience...:-)
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