Such fun today, seeing all my friends from Park Nicollet at Jim Toscano's retirement open house. It was like a family reunion, lots of hugs and laughs and insanely trying to catch up with everyone in not nearly enough time. Everything has changed and yet nothing has changed, it was great to reconnect. I
loved my job at PNI, and everyone that I worked with - how I got so lucky to land there, at age 24, I have no idea. It is an honor to say I've worked for Jim Toscano, he's just...awesome.

From PN, I dashed home, whipped together a quick lasagna (I'll post the recipe tomorrow; too tired tonight!), and headed for Stacey's to have dinner with her and to visit Baby Cooper Cuteness. He napped through dinner, which was nice for Stace, as in she got to eat! Kitty Co even got a tasty - I brought the white bean/tuna mixture (from yesterday) and prepared a little toast for Stace. Forgot to cover it up, left the room, came back to find Co playing with a bean on the floor (licked quite clean of tuna). Hilarious!
After dinner it appeared that she and Coop were going to catch some sleep as I left (I hope, I hope! She's pretty wiped...). Bowen was on his way in as I left, hopefully it's a restful night for everyone...
Including me! I'm off! Until tomorrow...
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