the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Monday, May 15, 2006

A lovely Mother's Day indeed! I did...almost nothing, which is just what I wanted. Watched Nathan swim, made crustless leek quiche with creme fraiche for lunch/brunch, took a l..o..n..g luxurious nap, followed by a l..o..n..g luxurious shower, then ran over to Suz's for Feminine Hijinx. Our usual cackle fest. Here's to Motherhood After Dark with two of the best mommy's I know - Kim and Susie!

No breast implants, just fake highlights today. Cut, color, blowout. Love my visits with Nisa, who also does my aunt Mary's and my friend Kathie's hair. Props to Nisa, woo hoo!

Dinner tonight? is more like it. IF it doesn't rain and that's a big if these last few weeks. Last two games have been rainouts and the sun does not shineth today, either. Boooooooo.... Perhaps a quick pasta something when we get home. I've had my eye on a walnut-ricotta "pesto" recipe for quite awhile. If I work Byerly's into my day (didn't happen yesterday), I think that's what we'll go with tonight. Stay tuned...


At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Walnut ricotta pesto sounds rather nice...

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I'm making it tonight (Tues), didn't get to it last night, I'll let you know if it's kill...


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