Guess I'll be wearing a hat to Nathan's baseball game later today, not to keep the sun off my face, oh no, but to hold my frizzing, puffing hair down. I'm whining, I know. It's just hair. I'll stop now. (Fuck humidity.)
BIG salad for lunch, that's the plan, what with all my yummy La Finca CSA veggies. Hmmm...perhaps a soup of some sort as well. I'll ponder that awhile and check back...

(Um, the sun just came out. BUT, it's still humid...)
A sort of Gotham Salad, a la Bergdorf Goodman, is what I made for lunch. Diced (quite small) chicken, bacon, ham, gruyere, tomato, beets, egg, iceberg lettuce, tossed with Thousand Island dressing. I substituted leaf lettuce and pickled beets, happily. And I used only a small amount of chicken, ham, bacon, and cheese, about 1 Tbsp. of each, to keep things, you know, moderate. Delicious!
I also made a radish soup, which is now cooling and eventually will chill in the fridge before I eat it. It's quite light - and pink! Yes, it's pink, in an attractive way, with flecks of green from sliced scallion. When I get around to eating it, later, perhaps for a snack, I'll let you know how it actually tastes...

Ahhhh...the Gotham.....sigh!
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