Which is good, because I'm hosting our neighborhood "women's association" meeting on Thursday evening. It's not a lot of prep, since everyone brings food or drink to share, but still, I'd like to not forget that 50 women are coming to my home. Hey, I'll walk out on my front stoop in my robe, no problemo. I've even been busted watering plants in my robe. But I'm not so keen on hosting a party in my robe. No.
I even managed to successfully continue my "reducing" efforts last week. Got back to, and then below, pre-London weight. Pretty good for me. Weight loss is a slow, slow, painfully slow

I've been doing some inevitable thinking as the big 4-0 approaches (1.5 months, birthday of this blog as well):
Physically: I'm less-than-thrilled with my weight right now, but it's moving. And I feel great, and relatively free from aches and pains, except for my sore piriformis which continues to bother me - and, is completely managable, so

Mentally: I haven't quite discovered what I want to "be" when I grow up, that's always in the back (and front, and center) of my mind (and John's too, I'm sure, ha). So I'll keep experimenting. Something related to food? That was the plan when I left my job at Park Nicollet Institute three years ago, but now, I don't know. I don't think so. Something creative, that's for sure. We'll see. Having had time the past three years to be at home and take care of Nathan has been amazing. Amazing. I've absolutely loved it. I worked full-time through his baby-and toddler-hood so I really appreciate this time I've had with him, before he's a teenager and gone all the time and then off to college. And then I'll miss him like crazy, but not enough to

As is the big day! I have no idea what I want to do for my birthday. At first I was going to have a big party, invite everyone, rent a room, bring in lots of food and drink, have a DJ, dance my brains out. I even got as far as making out a guest list a few months ago. But, eh, it didn't feel right. Maybe I'll do it this summer instead - ? Something will come to mind, guess I'll just sit on it for a bit more...
Girl, no one could make 40 look more fabulous than you. And you haven't figured out what you're going to be when you grow up because I haven't yet and we're in this together...ha! I think that storefront is still for rent........!!!!;-)
You are TOO sweet - and I'm so glad! Yes, that store front, hmmm...
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