the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Monday, May 21, 2007

You're going to think this is so stupid, but I just tonight used a fish-grilling basket for the first time. Duuuuh... I've had it for years, I'm not sure why I never bothered to use it before. Or why I suddenly decided to today. Anyhoo, it's fabulous! I bought an early piece of Copper River king salmon at the store today, rubbed it with a bit of olive oil, gave it a sprinkle of coarse salt, and set it on a smokin' hot grill - no sticking! In no time (well, more like 15 minutes) I had crusty-on-the-outside, buttery-on-the-inside, melt-in-your-mouth grilled salmon. Lawdy that is good stuff, dang. I also grilled skewers of tomatoes, onion, and green pepper, and roasted a big ol' pan of skinny asparagus spears and had myself a feast, people. A healthy feast, antioxidant-packed, colorful, delicious - lovely in every way. After eating out for almost every meal last week, I'm ready for some home-cooked (grilled) healthy meals. And 'tis the season for eating as many colors as you can - red berries, yellow peaches, purple eggplants, orange salmon, dark green arugula, pale green artichokes, black many as you can think of and pack into a day. Mmmm... As my old boss used to say (he was referring to beer, usually after a belch, but no matter), Good & Good for Ya. That's the goal, friends - Good & Good for Ya. (Excuse me.)



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