Lordy, Lordy, looks who's 40! Someone other than me or Suz, no way! In this case, it's my neighbor, Dave Polyak. He and his lovely wife (and co-Badger, woo hoo!) Lindsay threw a hell of a party tonight to celebrate. That's why I'm up at, oh, 2:30 a.m., ouch. John, aka Mr. Not Party, honorably made it until around 10:00 p.m., then moseyed on home to our comfy bed while I stayed and did my usual - chat and chat and chat and snack (great food!) and drink beer. How
And in the same party vein - and let's face it, it's been a whole week of par-tay-ing - I must mention the lovely, lovely cocktail party we had on our neighbors the Hatzungs' patio last evening. Again, my favs - snacks (like an amazing black-bean salsa) and drinks and sunshine and chat. A fantastic way to launch into the weekend...
As was a visit from my aunt Marge today, with an easy lunch on the deck (steak quesadillas, salad, and strawberries with whipped cream) and some time in the pool with John, Stacey, and Cooper. Dang, friends, a mighty fine summer's day. Now, since it's officially quite Saturday, I must go to bed. G'night!
Labels: aunt marge, cooper, hatzungs, neighbors, polyaks, stacey
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