the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Happy Birthday (yesterday!) to my mother-in-law Dot!

Yikes, where did this week go? Crrraaazy around here, as I'm sure it is for all of you too, wow. It's nice to finally see that gorgeous October sun! (Rain much?!) And all of the leaves slowly turning. I keep trying to remember to look around - and SEE - and enjoy that the leaves and birds are still here, that the grass is still green, that flowers are still blooming. In such a short time we will be living in a black-n-white photograph and I will miss all these beautiful colors. Sniff. Sigh.

I've actually been too busy to do much cooking and for me, that's pretty damn busy. I did get a solid (simple) meal on the table last night - crispy roasted chicken drummies, asparagus, and rice. Before that, it was a bit of catch-as-catch-can from our various leftovers. Which is fine too, hey, I feel like we didn't waste a thing. But I'm getting ready to fire up the ol' stove again. Or tonight, the ol' grill as it were, since I'm throwing on some lamb chops. Mmmm, nothing like crusty, garlicky lamb chops for a perfect (easy!) Thursday night dinner (I smear 'em with minced garlic, olive oil, and a generous sprinkle of coarse salt about an hour before grilling. Grill until just-pink in the center. Baaa voilaaa.) I actually have a few good tomatoes left, from my pots on the deck, so my plan is a big salad, chock full o' said tomatoes with lots of dill and feta. Perhaps some grilled pita (rub uncut pita on both sides with olive oil, sprinkle with a bit of coarse salt, grill briefly until hot and lightly browned in spots, about 5 minutes total) as well, yum. Can't wait!

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