The Minneapolis Farmer's Market is a fun place. It's not as fabulous as say, San Francisco's - what is? - but I still get a rush walking around, especially on Saturdays when it's crowded, buying beautiful veggies and thinking about all the ways I can

Although, hmmmm, I'm not going to be making din tomorrow night since Kim, Suz, and I are heading to True Thai for our every-few-weeks dinner out. Well, luckily potatoes taste good even several days after being picked... Especially these little gems, I bought them once before from the same vendor and was pretty blown away by how delicious they were. I'm thinking a little lemon-butter and salt will do them nicely. Can't wait.
Hey, look at that, I've been on Facebook for one full year! Thank you, Maud, for introducing another (very fun!) timesuck

Sleep tight!
Moderate it: baking half of a cake is a nice way to not have a bunch of sweet leftovers hanging around - Whole Foods cake mixes make just one 9-inch layer. Works nicely with the lemon picnic cake recipe.
Labels: farmer's market, garlicy tomato and bread gratin, green beans, hatzungs, kim, lemon picnic cake, Suz
Okay, would you please explain the picture of the elephant? Thanks!! I am sure it must have some sort of fun story.
Oh, sure! Ha, the elephant is one of my sister Stacey's paintings, it's the one on her Facebook painting page, if you click on the "staceyemeyer" in the post you'll see what I mean. In terms of a story, I don't have a specific one, although I think I'm safe in saying that the inspiration for many of Stacey's African animal/self-portrait paintings grew out of our family's 2002 trip to Kenya.
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