Woo hoo! We finally pulled off episode three of Feminine Hijinx, thank you, thank you. It felt great (hearing myself saying the word "great" on FH, not-so-great, OMG, soooo Minnesoooota, it cracks me up every time, and I say it a lot) to get out of the house, and over to Suz's, to see my girls and have a chat. I have been holed up here for so many days, loved getting out the door!

And today, out the door again (proof, at left, ha), I have lunch with my aunt Marge - my aunts Mary and Marge both drive in to Minneapolis from Willmar to get their hair done, which is lucky for me, because I get to meet up with them for lunch when they do (although I had to miss Mary and Brucie last week because Nathan was sick). Today we're eating at Kozy's, at the Galleria, a relatively new spot that I've been meaning to try. It's always fun to see Marge! (I had the funniest thing happen upon waking this morning - my usual thoughts, what day is it... what do I have going on today... I groggily opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was the word "Marjorie" on the book at my bedside, The Woman at the Washington Zoo by Marjorie Williams, and I thought, oh! Lunch with Marge! Hurray!)
Not quite sure yet what the dinner plan is, I'll have to see how big my lunch is and go from there...
Seeing Marge at lunch was awesome, as I expected. She is so lovely, definitely a day brightener. She reported that my uncle Jim and cousin Kim are sick too - everyone's going d..o..w..n... So irritating. We Need Spring! We Need Spring! I stopped at the store on my way home to pick up a few ingredients for dinner and also bought myself a basket of forced bulbs - I need something fresh and blooming in this house! We Need Spring!
I'm not making a particularly spring-y dinner tonight (although tomorrow night I'm planning

Good meatballs, nice. Happy Natie, can't beat that. Have a good night!
Weird, I was thinking of having egg noodles tonight too, with our BURGERS. Hooray for greasy meat and starch!!!!
Man, you said it! Greasy meat and starch, hilarious; mmmm... I hope I'm up for this! It would be so like me to bite off more than I can chew (ooh, bad pun) and do myself in with too much effort. And greasy meat and starch. Wish me luck! Enjoy your burgers!
Swedish Meatballs
Serves 6-8
Adapted from The Joy of Cooking
2/3 c. fresh breadcrumbs
1 c. water
1 Tbsp. minced onion
¾ lb. lean ground beef
¾ lb. ground pork
(I used a package of ground beef/veal/pork meatloaf mix)
2 large egg yolks
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. ground black pepper
¼ tsp. grated nutmeg
¼ tsp. ground allspice
4 Tbsp. oil
2 Tbsp. flour
2 cups beef broth/stock
salt and pepper
Combine bread crumbs and water in the bowl of a mixer and let stand until soft, 1-2 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients. Beat on low speed until smooth. Turn the mixer to high speed and beat until the mixture is light in color and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Using two spoons dipped in cold water (or, a cookie scooper), shape the meat into 1-inch balls. Heat butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook the meatballs in batches of about 15-20 at a time and brown on all sides. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain briefly on paper towels before removing to a warmed serving platter. Cover to keep warm. When all the meatballs are cooked, reduce the heat to low and add the flour to the skillet. Cook, stirring, until lightly browned. Slowly add beef stock. Cook, whisking, until the gravy is thick and smooth. Strain, if desired. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the gravy over the meatballs and serve hot.
Optional: I whisked 1/3 c. of sour cream into the finished gravy, off heat. Serve.
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