the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

B..a..r..e..l..y got my ass out of bed this morning and to a yoga class. Like, I got up at 8:40 for an 8:45 a.m. class. Luckily it's right by the house so I zoomed over and was actually sort of on time. It's a nice way to wake up, yoga, reminds me of being at a spa. Oh, to be at Miraval, where I luckily got to go TWICE last spring. Once with my friend Michelle, then again with John for his birthday. Paradise, that place. It's a joy to get up in the morning, I hopped out of bed every day, up and at 'em, which is so not me. But I was full of energy and ready to take in the consistently 72-degree mornings, to eat beautifully-prepared, in-season foods, outdoors, surrounded by desert flowers that smell like honey. Yoga, pilates, meditation, mindful eating, cooking, biking, hiking, climbing - or relaxing by the pool or in the spa. Heavenly. As you can tell, I'm wishing I were there right now...

...but I'm not! I'm here, April in Minnesota! Not Minnesota's finest month, April. Spring's emergence is definitely a two steps forward, one step back process. It has begun, undeniably, and for that I am grateful. The snow is almost gone, a few days of rain have washed things up a bit. There are a few - very, very few - hints of green. Robins have arrived! But on a cloudy day, it's still mostly like living in a black-n-white photograph.

I should be glad for nothing much to tempt me outside - I have a hell of a lot of work to do inside to prepare for next weekend! The countdown is week to A's Bat Mitzvah and a house full of family and guests. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone, very exciting. But first the preparations...I'd better hop to it!


At 12:00 PM, Blogger Suz said...

You go girl, doin' the yoga! Woo! Hopefully there were no feequas involved in the process....!!!


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