Boy Soup!
Oh, boy oh boy oh boy. Baye. Thomas. Nick. Tommy. Carter. Alex. Noah. Wyatt. And Nathan, of course. Total wildness and lots of fun here today. Freezing cold, but the boys swam anyhow and did some jumping in the jumpy-thingy we rented, although they mostly used it as a sort of slip-n-slide (it was soaking wet inside) until they were freezing, and then they jumped back into the warm, steamy pool. Then into the house for a dry off, pizza, and the loudest burps you have ever heard. As (daddy) Carter said, they were chunky. Ewww. And then downstairs to play "humans and cannibals" until the end of the party. I wish I had their energy, it's pretty incredible. I frankly can't remember the last time I chose to run everywhere I went. Or jump down six stairs at a time. Or crawl across an entire room, moaning, "I'm dead, I'm dead." Or make a weapon out of every spare stick around the house (actually, I've never done that).
We got the most generous donations for the Humane Society (in lieu of gifts). Treats, food, toys...and hilariously, gerbil yogurt chips! Love that. Nathan and I will take them over after school one day this week. Very fun.
All in all, despite the unbelievably horrible weather, it was a blast. We're all so wiped out! Bedtime! Oh, wait, it's only 7 pm. Well, bedtime soon.
And Happy Birthday Michael!! (Otherwise known as Big Mike, son of my aunt Mary, and newly-wed to Amanda... Your first birthday as a married man - woo hoo!)
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