the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Friday, July 14, 2006

Chill day, me, myself, and I, no driving, cooking, groceries, laundry, dishes...nothin'. Friday is turning out to be my Saturday. Thank god. I'm a little taxi-drivered/dutiful-wifed/cooked/entertained out lately. Just a little. As much as I love all of those things. I'll be back on track tomorrow, I will. But for today, sweet, sweet privacy, ahhh... You gotta do it, girlfriend, you gotta take a moment to yourself, however brief, and remember that if it were just you in this world, that would be OK, it would. It would. Yeaaaahhhh...

Oh, wait, I did have to run one errand, just now. Picked up my weekly CSA veggie share, here it all is - cabbage, summer squash, cucumber, broccoli, sugar snap peas, raspberries, beets, scallions. NICE! And you know what? I don't think I'll make myself a salad tonight - no! - turns out I'm not even hungry for dinner. Funny how that happens when you're not cooking...


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