A day of cutie cute cuteness! Cooper Doo,
and Addison and Nikko too, all here to swim with Nathan. Addison and Nikko were girlie little fishies, splashing, swimming, wiggling, and giggling. When we were sunned out, and
starving, we dried off and head over to
El Meson for an early dinner. Immediately opened with several delicious beef empanadas, tender, crusty, and

smokin' hot, along with a basket of their naughty, buttery garlic toast - that stuff is kill, get it away from me! Nathan was in white bread heaven, he must have eaten a whole loaf on his own. We completed our feast with arroz con pollo, red beans, and flan. Argh. Fullness was (is still...) felt by all...
John came home and ate alone, with me just watching, broccoli soup from two nights ago, shrimp gazpacho from last night, and tuna pasta salad, which I made today. He put together a pretty nice little feast for himself. So now we're
all officially full, and damn wiped out, and must go immediately to sleep. G'night.
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