the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Undiscovered Divas, Kim and Suz, debuted at 6 p.m. on FM 107 tonight! I'm kicking myself for not posting earlier, before they were on, but this day got completely away from me. I myself only got to catch about the first five minutes - Nathan had a baseball game tonight, and Dad, Stacey, Bowen, Cooper, John, and A all came, so I knew I couldn't hang with all of them (i.e. play with Coop!), watch the game, AND listen to the radio. But what I heard sounded fantastic - very relaxed, very laid back, it was so natural to hear them on the radio! Woo hoo! Undiscovered Divas is a contest - 10 other pairs are competing as well - and voting for the winning pair begins this Friday at 7 p.m. I'll be reminding everyone to vote for them on Friday - if they win, they get a two-month, weekly stint on FM 107. Check out the website to hear a sample of their tryout... Go Grrrlfriends, Go!


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