BLTA&B. Not to be confused with
GLBT (ha), it's a
avocado sandwich with an ice-cold
beer. Mooooaaaan, it was soooooo good, a lunch my dad would definitely appreciate. I meant to take a pic, but unless I shot it
en estomac, it's way too late. I inhaled that baby, couldn't help myself. Ah, not moderate, except in the preparation - smear of ripe avocado instead of mayo, only two slices of bacon, lots of L&T, on toasted whole wheat. I justified the lightning quick consumption by thinking, hey, I want to enjoy this while the bacon and toast are
still warm... Damn, it was good. Sometimes - no, often, in fact - the simplest things are the best.

And speaking of the best...I had
the best morning at
Suz's! Coffee (decaf, she now keeps decaf on hand pour moi, isn't that sweet?) and chat, my favs! I feel like I haven't seen her forever! Boo. Everyone's summer days are so busy - hers with puppeteering for vacation bible school...yes, this
Warbride-singing, Scion-driving
Metal Mommy does not just sing in the choich choir, she also acts out bible stories with an Elmo puppet. Even when her back hurts. Oh, how I love my friends... I brought her some frozen
cabbage soup and fresh tabbouleh salad prepared (mostly) by Nathan - but I forgot to bring her some of my tomatoes! Duuuuh... Next time.
And speaking of tomatoes (subtle segues, eh?)...I'm making a Greek salad
loaded with tomatoes (and dill, feta, and onions) for dinner tonight, along with
grilled loin lamb chops (smeared with lots of garlic and mint) and warm, soft, grilled pita. Oooh, can't wait. Opa!

Aaaah, a sensualist's dream pre-dinner, summer shower - a long, cool, sudsy affair. Followed by a spritz of Frederic Malle's
Lys Mediterranee (aka summer in a bottle). Wet hair in piggies. Bod in clean, light, soft cotton. And dinner I was ready to make, per above description. John and I ate on the deck, poured a nice St. Innocent Pinot Noir, and argued about how long one should linger outside on a night as beautiful as this (he maintains that on a work night, no matter the weather/season, TV at the regular hour is a must-do relaxer; I insist that one should sit outside as long as possible on these rare, gorgeous Minnesota evenings, smelling the soft, perfumey air, admiring my potted herbs and tomatoes, ha, watching birds and bats and bugs flit around...) I eventually lost that argument and instead we drove over to Trader Joe's for his fav chocolate chip cookies. We're home now and, I have to admit, BOTH ready to settle in for a looooong summer's nap.
And we friends love you, too. Haven't tried the soup yet, but tell Nathan that the tabouleh (or however you spell that!) was delicious!!! :-)
I'll tell him! He'll be so glad, he's very proud of his early cooking efforts. Thanks for the decaf today, my friend! Great to see you...S
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