the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Pea soup? Yes pea soup, sweet pea soup a la Auriga, and it was glorious. If you go to Auriga for dinner - and you should, it's very special (and not just because it's the site of my first date with John, ha)- order whatever soup they're serving. I have yet to devour a bowl that wasn't transcendent. Along with a lovely, fall-ish presentation of butter-tender cod, wrapped and browned in thin pieces of egglant, and served atop a lusty saute of bacon, onions, and wild mushrooms, I enjoyed my date-night dinner thorougly.

Sadly I can't say the same for the The Real Thing at the Guthrie. Terrific acting, top-notch in fact, it was the play itself that I didn't enjoy. So, 0-2 at the new Guthrie...but we'll keep trying. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, truly connecting with a performance is an unforgettably joyful and energizing experience. (And when it doesn't, you end up kinda cranky like I was on the drive home, blah.)

Now I'm off (soon) for coffee with Suz. With Sullivan in morning kindergarten, we can pull off meeting for coffee once in awhile. It's nice - NICE!


At 4:37 PM, Blogger Suz said...

Hey, thanks for the cuppa this morning, my friend! I have to say I am LOVING this new-found freedom. ;-)


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