No, not me! Stephanie Sanford, aka Steph, Little Steph, Sanyer, Severine, my roommate, bridesmaid, quarter's partner, and (with Kim Borgen) my BF since Schroeder Jr. High. My little sister Etta says she's been raised on Stephanie Sanford Stories and it's quite true. Everyone loves Stephanie Stories, she's one very funny chick. I hope you have a fab birthday my dear friend!
Earlier this week Suz and I were cracking up about lameass high school jobs and their even worse uniforms - Stephanie at Orange Julius.

Ah, well, no nacho cheese on the menu for tomorrow. I baked brownies today, and made dressing for the cabbage salad. Tomorrow the turkey goes in (of course), plus I'll bake challah, roast potatoes, whip cream, assemble the salad, and finish the gravy. Hope your prep is going smoothly as well!
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