I forget about
couscous - why? It's so easy and delicious, duh, I should be reaching for it all the time. I had bought the larger grain
Israeli couscous from the bulk bins awhile back and finally got around to using it last night. Wanted something light with it, so just did a quick saute/simmer of
shrimp in garlicky broth (aka good ol'
clam juice) with lots of
parsley, and roasted some
cauliflower and
eggplant (hoping for leftovers, which I achieved - I swear roasted eggplant is even better the next day, with a little
Greek yogurt, mmm...).
It was the first dinner I've cooked with a baby playing at my feet in a very long time. We had a visit from sweet baby Cooper yesterday, so I let him go wild in our tupperware cupboard while

I pulled dinner together. Turns out that the mismatched, falling-over plastic (that drives us nuts) is the coolest stuff EVAR. You forget how fun the most everyday objects can be when you've got the whole world to explore! A cluster of metal measuring spoons is pretty darn cool (good noise-making). Ditto colanders (texture), wooden stir spoons (banging), drawer knobs (twist off and roll around nicely), and rubber wine bottle stoppers (nice-n-chewy). He is The Cutest (especially when he makes this face and shows his cute little teeth).

And today, back to Friday Morning Coffee with Suz - yay! It's been a few weeks with holiday craziness! I missed her! I debuted my gorgeous birthday necklace from my mother-in-law Dot - she brought it back from India for me. NICE, huh? I definitely scored in the necklace department for the ongoing celebration of my 40th year - which is great, because I wear a necklace every day. I'm not-so-moderate in the accessories department. Nor clothing, fragrance, nor shoes. Love it all! Wear/use it all! And love it all!
That necklace is perfect for the Inner Bitch. Ha!
Hell yeah! Tee hee!
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