the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday Morning Coffee with Suz! Man, it's been weeks again, waaay too long. It was great to see her beautiful face and talk super-fast so I could fill her in on all the goings on of the last couple of weeks. You know, the stuff we haven't covered in email or on the phone, ha. Like bitching about the oncoming snowstorm! Bad timing, my friends, since I'm hosting a Silver Service-catered 40th Birthday Bash tomorrow night...pour MOI! Uuuuugh (or more likely a far more offensive word!) if the snow wrecks my lovely party! Vincent Francoual - yes, of the fabulous Vincent A Restaurant- is doing the food, people, this is serious business! (That's the beauty of catering with Silver Service - they work with many of the best chefs and servers in the city.) So although I of course want everyone to be safe - I also want everyone to realize that the food is going to be worth braving the snow - this isn't just me cooking (that's our usual party routine), it's Vincent...

Sigh. Well, at least we were unhampered in our trip to Fugaise for dinner last night. It was as great as I had hoped - for me, silky squash soup followed by three small wild boar raviolis (small raviolis, I mean; I have no idea the size of the boar but I'm guessing not terribly small) garnished with figs, wild mushrooms, and truffle demiglace. The usual attentive, knowledgable service. Lovely wine list. Rarrr...

And tonight? Back to spiffing up the house, arranging flowers, setting out candles. And of course plowing through my closet to figure out what the hell I'm wearing - even if I end up standing here alone, just me, a few cases of wine, and a mountain of croque monsieurs, I want to look DAMN GOOD. Hmph.

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At 2:52 PM, Blogger Suz said...

Girl, I'll be there even if I have to snow-shoe ever. (of course I don't have snow shoes but I can always plow up to Hoiggaards and buy them...ha!)

You could wear a paper sack to this party and you will be FABULOUS. Girl, no one makes 40 looks as fab as you.

Can't wait!

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, thanks my dear! It wouldn't be a party without you! Let's celebrate turning 40 together - AGAIN! Hahaha, we definitely can not complain that our birthdays went unnoticed. Woo hoo!

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Suz said...

You said it, sister! It's STILL my 40th birthday!!!

At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie!!

I just have to say....... YOU know how to celebrate a birthday.... Vincent....WOW and YUM!!!

Wishing you a wonderfully delicious and memory-making fun filled evening.....

Can't wait to hear the details......


At 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Donna! It was an amazing night, despite the snow, and I loved every minute of it. Yeah, Vincent, gooooood stuff. The food was incredible - and it was very fun not making it myself! I've never been so relaxed leading up to a big party. Hmmm...what am I trying to say?


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