Busy week coming up! My aunt Mary for lunch...neighborhood women's association get-together...Cooper Cuteness...Susie's open house...celebrating our upcoming 5th anniversary with the kids...work on the house...homework, homework, homework... And so, a busy food week as well. With the weather so back-n-forth, I'm having a hard time finding my cooking groove. Am I grilling or braising? Am I prepping cool, crisp appetizers, or warm,
So today, since it's cooled off pretty dramatically, perhaps a roasted something-or-other. Hmmm. For sure an acorn squash, with a sprinkle of salt, nuts, cinnamon, and brown sugar, yum. Oh, I've got cauliflower too, that would be pretty kill. (To keep things on the healthier side, I try to start with my veggies and plan from there.) Perhaps a simple soup, call 'er dingdangdone. Stay tuned...
Labels: roasted vegetables, squash
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