Humid moods are not helped by car trouble. I was just plain lucky to make it home today as my car completely freaked out on my way back from a (humid, sweaty) walk - tomorrow morning it's being towed to the shop, sniff.
Oh look, it's now raining, just as I'm about to step onto the deck to grill a couple of trout fillets. The ones John had to pick up on his way home because...I don't have a car. Despite it's

Back to the trout...I'll serve it alongside (drum roll), more new potato-green bean salad. Can you tell that I made quite a bit of it? Hey, waste not want not, even if the fam (and frankly, I) is (am/are) a bit tired of new potatoes + green beans. Tonight I'll dice the pieces a bit smaller and saute them in a small amount of olive oil until just-browned. Already seasoned with onion and fresh basil, they should make a tasty accompaniment to simply grilled fish. Nice? Yes. No complaints about trout, potatoes, and green beans for dinner, but of course.

Even if I don't have a car (grumble). Sleep tight!
Moderate it: you know, I've tried every anti-humidity, straightening hair product on the market... None of them work completely, although a few help - Phytodefrisant, Kiehl's Heat-Protective, Silk-Straightening Cream, Graham Webb Stick Straight Gel. Apply one, two, or even all three (yep, I've done it) before grilling trout in the rain. Good luck.
Labels: feminine hijinx, kim, luci ancora, new potato green bean salad, pool, Suz, trout
Hey Stephanie,
The humidity here has been horrible too, plus it's been 22-24 celsius (which is "hot" for the UK). Luckily we didn't have any major storms - just a few bits of lightning and a tornado (well it didn't touch down, but still it came from the clouds).
Oh and he he - that picture is brilliant "Dale Hay keeps us Always Fresh!" - I've still got the original of it. :D
The food stuff on your blog is really making my stomach rumble... think I might make something myself. :D
Say "Hi" to the girls for me. :)
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