Hey man (my favorite Cooper greeting). Craziness out there these days, I won't pretend I'm not glued to the web (radio, TV) like everyone else. It's a wild ride, and more than a bit unsettling - perfect times for making a little dinner (
waaaay cheaper than eating out, for one, and healthier and more comforting to boot). As I've mentioned, I've been in entertaining overdrive, what with
Tuesday's party and another (big one) this coming Saturday. But since Thursday is
CSA veggie share day, and I've been running on empty for the last several days, I decided ahead of time an uber-nutritious, vegeful dinner would hit the spot.
I didn't pick up my
veggies until 4:30 or so, but since it was just John & me for din, I knew I could improvise. I opened up the box and found - a pint of
cherry tomatoes. Yay! I just happened to have a spot of
crusty bread as well (leftover from Tuesday night), and
Parm in the fridge, so
garlicky cherry tomato & bread gratin they

became. Oooh, that dish is
sick it's so good - and it's crazy-easy as well. It's all about good
tomatoes, so make it when you can source the real deal (garden, farmer's market, CSA share - whatever works).
I could eat just
tomato gratin for din, I knew John would be left wanting, so I also roasted the
broccoli, included as well in my box of
veggie treasures, and made - don't die of shock -
another frittata, this time with veggie-share
spinach and
leeks. Easy. Nutritious. Cheap. Delicious. All good.

(Unlike last night, when I made
french onion soup for dinner. Oh it tasted yummy - to John and me. The kids? They didn't hate it, but one ate only the
broth and
bread - no
cheese, no
onions - the other ate only the
cheese. If we had a third who ate only
onions, they could all have shared a bowl. Right.)
To come full circle, here's a cheer-up pic of the lovely, creamy bouquet of roses I bought at Whole Foods on Monday. So pretty, roses, even the virtual kind. G'night!
Moderate it: it's nice to have a meatless dinner a couple of times a week. Cheap too. Give 'er a go, I'll bet you won't miss it one bit. Labels: french onion soup, frittata, garlicky tomato and bread gratin, la finca
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