the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Monday, July 31, 2006

No game tonight! Supposedly the temp reading, on the field, late afternoon, was 117 degrees in the sun...that's insane! So the game was cancelled, due to dangerous heat. Indeed. Not to mention the humidity. Man, I could have almost slow-cooked a pork shoulder at that temp, mmm hmmm... But no, instead, we had our baseball Team Party tonight! It was originally scheduled for tonight, but then postponed because we had a game, but wait, the game was postponed because of the heat, so we went ahead with the party! All VERY last minute, nothin' like a little spontaneity to get things rolling... Funny thing, everyone was free tonight because they were planning on being at the game, ha. Kids swam (parents too!), we blew off making dinner and just had snacks, and drinks, and chat, and it worked out beautifully. In the shade, with the breeze, it was more than bearable out there. Ninety degrees at dusk? Piece o'cake, feels refreshing compared to a hundo! Add some tunes, and good company, and we were jamming!

Now, time for bed, my friends. There's a bit of lightning flashing out there, we may get some rain tonight. GOOD. We all NEED it, badly.


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