Here we go, wheeeee! The turkey is herb-buttered and officially in the oven, I repeat, officially in the oven (we're eating at 4:00 so I just put it in, at noon). Salad is a go (nice thing about cabbage salad - improves by tossing with dressing a couple of hours ahead). Brownie "pie" is a go (just need to whip cream). Cranberries are a go.

How's it going for you? Are you relaxed or stressing a bit? I'm thinking of you all and hoping you're having FUN (it's supposed to be fun,

Oy. I'm full. Whew. But I really enjoyed it, all of it. The turkey was crisp and juicy. The gravy was particularly delicious this year. I have quite a bit left and am going to freeze it - it will make a gorgeous sauce in the future. I froze half of the challah too - nice breakfast treat in a couple of weeks. I may end up freezing stuffing too... I hardly

Nathan and I just had a very nice post-dinner walk around the neighborhood, that should help with the ol' digestion. I asked him what he would make for Thanksgiving if he were cooking dinner and he said...pizza. I definitely go through the motions mostly for myself, because I enjoy the planning and cooking as much as - or more than - actually eating the meal! I could take it or leave it when I was a kid too. Until I went to college and then,

In the end, a great day. Loved the prep, loved the meal, loved the day with the kids and John. Totally relaxed, ahhh, and now I'm heading for bed! Sleep well, my fellow Thankful Tryptophan Trippers. Zzzzzzz...
Hey girlfriend! Hope you're having a WONDERFUL day! I know I sure am thankful for YOU....:-) We're still waiting for our bird to get done....taking longer than I thought! But of course, I like to over-cook anyway, as you know....I'll let you know how it went!! It's looking good....:-)
I know I'm thankful for YOU, girlfriend!!! I can't wait to hear how your bird turned out! Mine actually got done a bit faster than I thought, right at 3 hours and I had planned 3.5. But that's OK, we adjusted! Tasted GREAT, yum. And now I am so full and ready to put it all in the freezer, ha! All that work and I only want one meal out of it? I'll have to have SOME turkey tomorrow!
Hope you're having a great day!
Oh man, the turkey was beyond fabulous. It was KILL! :-) Soaking it in the brine was the thing, big-time. I will definitely be doing that from now on! I'm ready for bed soon, too, but first I think I'll sneak into the fridge and just another taste or two of that yummy bird....mmmm....thanks for the GREAT tips!!!
Oh I am SO GLAD! That's great! It sounds like you had a nice day all 'round.
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