the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Snow, snow, go away? It hasn't begun yet, but supposedly we have another doozy of a storm on our doorstep. Yeah. Yay. Hey, at least I'm not hosting a party tonight...or sick any longer... Bring it on. I guess.

Thinking we're not venturing terribly far for the next couple of days, I made sure to swing by the store to grab some tasties. That's me, always planning ahead - at least when it comes to food! (Although I did fill my gas tank today too, food for my car, as it were.) Steaks, roasted potatoes, and roasted asparagus (I don't roast them together - the kids would freak, ha) for din tonight, mmm... Shrimps with a big salad for dinner tomorrow. Hey, I'm hungry, I'd better go make dinner! Have a good night!

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