the moderate epicurean

a quest for measured pleasure...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Yawn! Stretch! Errrrr, good morning, my friends. A late night last night, hanging with my minxes Kim & Suz, here at the hacienda. We curled up in front of a roaring fire with plates of tuna and egg bruschettas, crispy roasted asparagus (we ate it with our fingers, just like fries, yum), olives, almonds, red grapes, and decadent chocolate macaroons (deadly little mothers, picked them up at Byerly's), while sipping an amazing bottle of red - my birthday present from Stu The Wine Genius and his wife Debbie, thanks guys, we loved it! - and talked and laughed and talked some more until there was naught but embers on the grate, wine stains in the glasses, crumbs on the platters, and yawns on our lips. Ohhhhh, it was so damn FUN, it was just what the doctor ordered, on so many levels. I've been away so much I've MISSED MY FRIENDS! (Wouldn't you miss them too?) Man, it's damn good to be home. Thanks for a blast of a night, girlfriends!

So today, in the name of moderation (yeah, moderation, I haven't forgotten my quest, it just seems like I have, ha), I'm out the door for a long, long walk in the finally-warming, sort-of-spring air. What a Seriously Sucky Spring we've had, I'm gunning for a Seriously Savory Summer instead. Bring. It. On. Already.

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